Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dealing with my Boyfriend Ex-Girlfriend’s

In social relationships, an Ex is someone with whom a person was once associated. It can be referred to a variety of different relationships. As a noun, Ex is assumed to refer to a former sexual or romantic partner. This often has a derogatory tinge, especially if it refers to unrequited feelings.

Some Ex-girlfriends are harmless and some needs restraining orders. Which of this Exes ready to wreck havoc on your relationship?
This former love interest of your boyfriend have turned us into obsessive compulsive internet stalker, hell bent digging up as much dirt as we can via social medias from facebook to twitter even google. Don’t pretend that you haven’t spent a lone sleepless night facebook stalking these mysterious girls, hoping that you’ll share at least one friend in common, so that you can access their pictures, even their profiles are private.

Am I the only one who shamefully admits to irrationally yet meticulously examining every photo, deconstructing tans, pore size and fine lines or criticizing outfits? Haven’t we all repeatedly gone through the Ex-girlfriend’s profile and photos desperately to find some spelling or grammatical error just to prove that they are stupid? Even using your Boyfriends profile just to invade all those pictures and status that they both shared?

I know it’s foolish, petty and completely pointless--this Ex-girlfriends have completely nothing to do with my life but they consume my free time like an evil voyeuristic addiction.

Let’s face it, most people come into a relationship with a certain amount of baggage. An Ex-girlfriends can cause problems even if she’s no longer around due to the negative effects that either the relationship or the subsequent break-up had on your partner. If your boyfriend is still in touch with his ex, she will be even more of a presence in your lives. If this bothers you, bottling up your feelings won’t get rid of that anxiety and insecurity. In fact, it only likely to make you feel worse in the long term—and it will be difficult not to come access of jealousy and paranoid.

But honestly speaking, I hate Ex-girlfriends. Reality bites, it makes me jealous. I just can’t help but feel a sense of envy that she had him before me and that he had these special feelings for her, and I can’t barely do anything about it.

This may sound so high school but Ex-girlfriends make me doubt myself. I’m obsessed to know why they broke up, if she’s pretty or if he sees me prettier enough. And if she’s pretty I pray to God that she’s an idiot, because at least I’ll have more brains.

On the other hand, if she’s not pretty, then I’ll go crazy wondering if he only date ugly girls and if I’m one of them. Also I assume that she must have an extraordinary quality or personality, so is mine good enough? Probably not.

It’s really bothering if your boyfriend is still in touch with his Ex-girlfriends. If that’s the case gather some proof of dishonesty. But I think if your boyfriend is upfront with everything about his contacts with his ex, there is no reason to worry. Some people are insecure because they were betrayed in their previous relationship or simply have low self-esteem.

The irony of Life:  I only get over with the Ex-girlfriend when I get over the Ex. Usually the feeling of insecurities last only as long as the relationship with my boyfriend lasts. Suddenly, I stop caring about the Ex-girlfriends. She’s not my problem anymore.

Instead I became a despised Ex-girlfriend, unknowingly infiltrating someone else fragile and delicate mind---continuing the cycle of confusion, self doubt and cruel physical comparisons.

But you know, sometimes some people just get in touch with their Ex-girlfriends because they think highly of them as friends. Just trying to keep on mind that even your boyfriend still wants his Ex to be a part of his life, he still choose to be with you. It’s just like you have that qualities that she doesn’t---that he considers you a better match for him.
How to deal with it? Trust your boyfriend until you have a genuine reason to doubt him.


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