Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The misery of cheating...

I am wondering what will happen to an honest relationships. Have you ever been cheated or did you ever cheat? How painful is it when you found out that you’ve been cheated? What will you feel when you are the one who is cheating?

Is it media and society that is telling us that these actions are okey? We see in television show where boy dates two or even more, a girl at one time and in the end everything ends out okey and he’s with one of the girls. It may blow up in his face first and then work itself out but it almost always seems to work out in the end.

Most people list being faithful as one of their top needs in a relationship. People cheat either because of an external desire which they do not get internally or because he/she does not know what they want and cannot seem to choose.

Everyone has their own definition of cheating. For me cheating is as simple as staring at a girls rear with or without your girlfriend at your side. Intimacy is a major requirement in a relationship and male sex drive is higher compare to females. Most of the time if the woman does not ‘put out’ as much as a man might want, eventually he will find someone else to give him what he want. On the other side, females want to be loved, hear that they are beautiful, get enough attention that they need and get gifts and surprises that keep them off their feet. Most guys feel that it’s not Macho thing to do, so girls stray and find someone who can fulfill their fantasies.

Everyone has their perception of “THE ONE” but let’s face it, not most of us will find him/her. Most people get into relationships based on passion or attraction, including the rewards but when time and stress wears the excitement down, excitement is sought elsewhere. Often the cheater was never truly in love or never really intended to make love work in the first place, and pretty much had the expectation of being pleased.

I have been cheated on and I did my fair of cheating too. The feeling I felt cannot be explained. I cheated because I did not feel appreciated and I was being recognized elsewhere. To this day I have not regretted it one bit because he was cheating too. When you are not fully satisfied with your partner and if you feel that something is missing then cheating happens. Because if you are completely in love and happy within your relationship, then why would you jeopardize all that you have for a five-minute fling with a boy-next door?  

I’m not condoning cheating in a relationship nor denying that it’s wrong to cheat. Mostly some point in relationship, and they need to be informed that cheating has at least an ounce of redeeming value. Cheating is not always bad. Surprisingly, it can help to improve current relationship.

I’m not implying that every man should go out and be unfaithful, nor am I implying that all men cheat on every woman they date. All it means is that at some point, it has beneficial aspects. First, that you’ll realize your mistake and appreciate your lover a lot more after a horrible deed. Second, cheating can help you realize your misery within your current relationship, and will likely give you that necessary shove to move on and stop wasting both you and your lover’s time.


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