Sunday, May 25, 2014

On the Silver Screen, Now Viewing: The Other Woman

The Cast:  Cameron Diaz (Carly Whitten), Leslie Mann (Kate King), Kate Upton (Amber),  Nicki Minaj (Lydia)

The Story: The film starts with Carly Whitten (Cameron Diaz) and Mark King (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) engaging in a one night stand after meeting each other on a blind date. Eight weeks later, they are in a relationship, and Carly is quite happy. Carly, a single career woman, goes to work at a law firm where she tells her friend and secretary Lydia (Nicki Minaj) about the relationship, where Lydia notes that Carly hasn't been with a single man in forever. Little does she know that Mark is married to a chatty and neurotic woman named Kate (Leslie Mann). Mark makes up an excuse to leave town for a few days, telling Carly there's an issue with the plumbing in his house. Carly is upset at this short notice, and she gets into an argument with Mark. He drops her off to have drinks with her dad Frank (Don Johnson), who is seeing a younger woman. He convinces Carly to show up at Mark's place to surprise him. She does so, dressing as a sexy plumber. She walks to his door and is greeted by Kate, who introduces herself as Mark's wife. A stunned Carly stumbles off the steps of the porch and trips backwards, knocking into a giant urn that she breaks. An angry Carly storms into her office the next day and tears up the flowers that Mark left for her. She tells Lydia that he is married, but Lydia suggests this could provide some kind of spice in their lives. Carly is later visited by a distraught Kate, who has a nervous breakdown upon realizing that Carly had slept with Mark multiple times. Despite all of this, Kate continues to find Carly and attempt to bond with her. Eventually, the two become unlikely friends. Kate later takes out her rage by destroying Mark's office with a golf club. Mark comes home and takes Kate out, leading her to feel tempted into sleeping with him. As she's in the bathroom getting herself ready, Mark gets a phone call from another woman. Kate overhears and fakes feeling unwell to not get into sex. The next day, while Kate and her brother Phil (Taylor Kinney) are fixing up the walls, she breaks down and tells him that Carly is probably still having an affair with Mark. She later confronts Carly, who says nothing is happening and she's hurt by the accusation. They figure out that Mark is seeing another woman. The ladies follow Mark to Miami and stay in Phil's beach house as they spy on Mark and his new lady. They find the couple at the beach, and both ladies are shocked to see the new, younger, and ridiculously hot younger woman named Amber (Kate Upton). Carly runs after Amber as she jogs down the beach, and Kate stops her. Amber sees them fighting in the sand, forcing them to tell Amber that she is getting played by Mark. Even though the ladies are mad at the same guy, they continue to bond and drink and laugh while Carly starts making a connection with Phil. Kate says she wants Mark to really hurt, so all three ladies conspire to get the ultimate payback on Mark, utilizing Carly's job as a lawyer, Kate's knowledge of Mark's lifestyle, and Amber's looks to get revenge. Back in New York, Kate starts to mess with Mark by putting hair removal cream in his shampoo and give him loads of estrogen in his smoothies, causing him to grow breasts. Carly meets with Mark on a date, catches him flirting with another woman, and slips laxatives into both his scotch and water. He then shits his pants and has explosive diarrhea, then gets robbed when trying to get people to get him pants. The ladies consider having one of them take one for the team and sleep with Mark to get more information out of him. They play Rock-Paper-Scissors, leading Amber to decide she'll do it. Things get more complicated when Mark takes Kate out for a romantic dinner with his business partner Nick (David Thornton). She starts to feel romantically connected to Mark, regardless of his adultery. Carly and Amber show Kate the next day a list of companies that Mark has invested in and embezzled money from. Kate doesn't feel as drive for revenge as before. Carly exacerbates things by texting Mark to hang out. The ladies walk out on each other. Mark takes Kate to the Bahamas as he plans a business trip. Carly and Amber show up for Kate after Kate had given Carly an envelope with contracts from Mark's businesses, citing Kate as the CEO of the defrauded companies. They follow Mark from a hotel, where he is with yet another woman, whom he takes with him to the bank where he keeps his offshore money. On the day that the ladies plan to make their move, Kate throws her engagement and wedding rings into the ocean. Carly and Amber sit by her side on the beach. They later take her to the bank to resolve the situation. The final showdown comes when Mark is invited to Carly's law firm for a meeting. Lydia guides him to the conference room where Mark is forced to stand face-to-face with all three ladies. Kate immediately says she wants a divorce, but Mark refuses, trying to reel her back in with innocent apologizing. The ladies show Mark that Kate has returned all the money to the defrauded companies, leaving Mark with absolutely nothing while Kate gets the other half of his money. Nick comes in after being told the truth, and he fires Mark. Mark breaks down and loses his shit, throwing the papers everywhere and walking face-first into the glass wall, causing him to bleed. He runs to a computer and sees his bank accounts closed. He walks into a whole glass wall and he ruins his suit. He goes outside the building and sees his car getting towed. He screams in fury, and asks how this can get worse. Frank then comes out and punches Mark in the face, knocking him on his ass. The ladies meet one last time and toast to their friendship. The ending text states that Kate works with Nick now and is the CEO of multiple successful companies. Carly and Phil became a couple and are expecting a kid. Amber started a relationship with Frank and they travel the globe to keep up with the summer season, though Carly refuses to call her "Mom."

You'll love it because: This is one of the most heartwarming comedies I have ever watched. When I came inside the theater, I thought it will bore me to death. Only to find out that when I came out, I was still smiling my heart out. A movie that will empower women, teach them to think on their own and never let themselves be hurt by men. Simply amazing.

What Personality type are you?

Know your Personality Type by taking the Personality Test
Click The Link Below:

Different Personality Types:

ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller
Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.

ISTP - The Mechanic
Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Risk-takers who they live for the moment. Usually interested in and talented at extreme sports. Uncomplicated in their desires. Loyal to their peers and to their internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems.

ISFJ - The Nurturer
Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others.

ISFP - The Artist
Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

INFJ - The Protector
`Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perserverence in doing the right thing. Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following.

INFP - The Idealist
Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people..

INTJ - The Scientist
Independent, original, analytical, and determined. Have an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Highly value knowledge, competence, and structure. Driven to derive meaning from their visions. Long-range thinkers. Have very high standards for their performance, and the performance of others. Natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders.

INTP - The Thinker
Logical, original, creative thinkers. Can become very excited about theories and ideas. Exceptionally capable and driven to turn theories into clear understandings. Highly value knowledge, competence and logic. Quiet and reserved, hard to get to know well. Individualistic, having no interest in leading or following others.

ESTP - The Doer
Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. "Doers" who are focused on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, they're risk-takers who live fast-paced lifestyles. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to their peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. Great people skills.

ESTJ - The Guardian
Practical, traditional, and organized. Likely to be athletic. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless they see the practical application. Have clear visions of the way things should be. Loyal and hard-working. Like to be in charge. Exceptionally capable in organizing and running activities. "Good citizens" who value security and peaceful living.

ESFP - The Performer
People-oriented and fun-loving, they make things more fun for others by their enjoyment. Living for the moment, they love new experiences. They dislike theory and impersonal analysis. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Well-developed common sense and practical ability.

ESFJ - The Caregiver
Warm-hearted, popular, and conscientious. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feel strong sense of responsibility and duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about themselves. Well-developed sense of space and function.

ENFP - The Inspirer
Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.

ENFJ - The Giver
Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others, and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.

ENTP - The Visionary
Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things. Enjoy debating issues, and may be into "one-up-manship". They get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of life. Generally outspoken and assertive. They enjoy people and are stimulating company. Excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions..

ENTJ - The Executive
Assertive and outspoken - they are driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, they usually excel at public speaking. They value knowledge and competence, and usually have little patience with inefficiency or disorganization.

Nice to Know:

Type groups:

Analysts (INTJs, INTPs, ENTJs and ENTPs):
Intuitive and Thinking types - they are fiercely independent, open-minded and imaginative, shining in intellectual debates and scientific or technological fields.
Diplomats (INFJs, INFPs, ENFJs and ENFPs):
Intuitive and Feeling types - they are cooperative, empathic and imaginative, focusing on empathy, morality and cooperation.
Sentinels (ISTJs, ISFJs, ESTJs and ESFJs):
Observant and Judging types - they are highly practical, meticulous and traditional, embracing and creating order, security and stability wherever they go.
Explorers (ISTPs, ISFPs, ESTPs and ESFPs):
Observant and Prospecting types - they are spontaneous, practical and inventive, able to quickly think on their feet and make best use of their surroundings.

Personality traits explained:

Introverted (I) – prefer solitary activities, think before speaking, get exhausted by social interaction.
Extraverted (E) – prefer group activities, think while speaking, get energized by social interaction.

Intuitive (N) – imaginative, rely on their intuition, absorbed in ideas, focus on what might happen.
Observant (S) – down-to-earth, rely on their senses, absorbed in practical matters, focus on what has happened.

Thinking (T) - tough, follow their minds, focus on objectivity and rationality.
Feeling (F) – sensitive, follow their hearts, focus on harmony and cooperation.

Judging (J) – decisive, prefer clear rules and guidelines, see deadlines as sacred, seek closure.
Prospecting (P) – very good at improvising, prefer keeping their options open, relaxed about their work, seek freedom.
(no effect on the type name)
Assertive – emotionally stable, calm, relaxed, refuse to worry too much.
Turbulent – self-conscious, care about their image, success-driven, perfectionists.


Draw Boundaries...

Break-up's are messy and they can often be a temptation to maintain some sort of contact with an ex. If he is talking about you behind your back, cut-off contact as much as possible. This serves two purposes. First, it creates a boundary between you two where you are less inclined to share feelings or information that further fuels his trash talk. Second, it guards you emotionally from maintaining an attachment to your ex, helping you to find closure. As you heal and experience the closure process, your ex's words and actions will mean less and less to you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On the Silver Screen, Now Viewing: The Break-up

The Cast:  Vince Vaughn (Gary Grobowski) and Jennifer Aniston (Brooke Meyers)

The Story:  Gary Grobowski (Vince Vaughn) and Brooke Meyers (Jennifer Aniston) meet at Wrigley Field during a Chicago Cubs baseball game and begin dating, eventually buying a condominium together. Gary works as a tour guide in a family business with his brothers, Lupus (Cole Hauser) and Dennis (Vincent D'Onofrio). Brooke manages an art gallery owned by eccentric artist Marilyn Dean (Judy Davis). They're pushed to the breaking point after their latest, "Why can't you do this one little thing for me?" argument. Brooke, feeling unappreciated, criticizes Gary's immaturity and unwillingness to work on their relationship. Gary, on the other hand, is frustrated by Brookes controlling, perfectionist attitude and expresses his desire to have more space, particularly after coming home from work. Brooke becomes upset when Gary fails to offer to help her clean up after a dinner party and, still frustrated from their earlier argument, breaks up with him. Brooke seeks relationship advice from her friend Addie (Joey Lauren Adams), while Gary goes to unload his feelings with the support of his friend Johnny Ostrofski (Jon Favreau). Since neither is willing to move out of the condo, they compromise by living as roommates and both begin acting out to provoke the other. Gary buys a pool table, litters the condo with food and trash, and even has a strip poker party with Lupus and a few women. Meanwhile, Brooke has Gary kicked off their "couples only" bowling team and starts dating other men in an attempt to make Gary jealous. When their friend and realtor Mark Riggleman (Jason Bateman) sells the condo, Gary and Brooke are given a two week notice to move out. Brooke invites Gary to an Old 97's concert hoping he'll intuit the gesture as her last ditch attempt to salvage their relationship. Gary agrees to meet her there but fails to see the significance and misses the concert, which breaks Brooke's heart. Afterwards, Brooke quits her job in order to spend time traveling Europe. When she brings a date home one evening, Brooke finds the condo cleaned and Gary preparing a fancy dinner in order to win her back. He lays his heart on the line and promises to appreciate her more. Brooke begins crying and states that she just can't give anymore and, therefore, does not feel the same way. Gary seems to understand and kisses her before walking out. It's later revealed that Brooke's "date" (who initially asked her out and was politely rejected) was actually a client interested in a piece of artwork she owned in her condo. When Gary goes out for a drink with Johnny, his friend points out the fact that Gary has always had his guard up, and never gave Brooke a chance because that has created such selfishness on his part. They move out and Gary begins taking a more active role in his tour guide business while Brooke travels the world, eventually returning to Chicago. Sometime later, they meet again by chance on the street as Gary is bringing home groceries and Brooke is on her way to a meeting. After some awkward but friendly catching up, they part ways but each glances back over their shoulder and they share a smile.

You'll love it because: The Break-up does a more than credible job of displaying many of the aspects of how people deal with conflict and remorse. Many of the situations play all-in-one as funny, sad and realistic.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dear Boyfriend...

Mr. Troncoso,

Loving you is the only thing that makes life worth living. Day by day, my love for you becomes overwhelming, and I can't handle it when I don't see or even talk to you every day.

A day without you in my life is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or a day without air. I need you when I’m cold to keep me warm; I need you in the rain to keep me dry; I need you in my life to keep me happy. You make me feel wonderful. You give me strength when I just can't carry on and I truly treasure that. Every moment spent together is another one of my dreams coming true.

There are a million ways to tell you that I love you, but it would never suffice for, a love like ours cannot be expressed so easily. I love the way you have integrated yourself so effortlessly in my life, it is no longer I or me, I know now that it will forever be "we". I have changed and you have changed me for the better, I cannot imagine a better way to have spent my days than with you. You are the reason for all that is well with me.

I have found that when I take it day by day and enjoy my time talking to you and texting and we chat when we can, and also just like soaking in that gratitude that I found someone so incredible and so amazing and that you love me back, it’s hard to get upset about distance. Like, you always say, “we’re the lucky ones.” Yes, we live far apart and some people may see that as such a disadvantage, but we are so lucky that we’ve found a love like this (It may sound soppy and so cliché) and that we are able to love each other and talk to each other. So yeah! For me, it’s gotten a lot easier. And the longer I’m with you the more sure I am that I wanna stick this out and wait and do what we can to make it work.

I love it when you hold me in your arms or just even give me a hug. When we’re together it feels like time stops and nothing else matters but being with you. You are the only one that makes me feel loved and appreciated. When I look into your eyes I can tell you love me and I love you with all my heart. I feel nothing can stand in the way of our love for each other.

You make me feel beautiful. Thank you for giving me so much more than I ever could have wanted. I am so thankful for what we have, and for everything we will have. You are the only man I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to lose each other. I don't even want to think about it. All I want to think of is you.

I want you to know how much I appreciate all of the things you do for me. You make me feel needed, wanted, and cared about. When you say you will never lie to me I believe you. You are absolutely amazing. The most amazing person I have ever met. You always make sure I'm smiling, laughing, and having a good time. When I am in your arms I feel so safe and it makes me think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing boyfriend. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have the most caring heart. For once in my life I feel beautiful and wanted. It is unbelievable how I can be myself around you and feel so close to you, I feel like I have known you forever!

I'm glad that you came into my life. I love you! Just writing that puts a smile on my face! I just love everything about you, your magical eyes, the sound of your voice and your gentle touch! I can’t stop thinking about you when were apart! You mean the world to me, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love you to the moon and back!

Much love,


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Letting him Go…

I had to let you go so we can both have a fresh start, and a better chance at our dreams. We must find our own way since we chain each other away from our best chance in life.

One day if our paths shall cross again and we have all we ever wanted except each other, then we shall have our best chance in love.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Bitterness is like taking any poison and expecting the other guy to die. Try to let go of the bitter soul. Happiness is the best revenge. Practice going through your day with a smile on your face. Don't allow anyone or anything to crash your peace of mind. They say "'Kill them with kindness" it's easier to catch fly with honey. Be polite and kind at all times and you'll surprise how quickly you'll feel free and healed. Be Silent. Beware of what you say and do. In the midst of bitterness, it's easy to kill with words, but in the end it will hurt you worse. Surround yourself with positive energy. The more you hash your history, the worse it will seem. Take time to relax and free your mind with negativity. Pray every day. Prayer is the best way to "let go and let God."

Friday, May 16, 2014

past is past!

At least I don't have to exaggerate stories to explain myself. At least I don't have to spend days explaining myself again and again just to get people on my side and destroy others. At least at the end of the day, no matter how convincing one's speeches may be, people still see.

Urrrghhh, I just hate you like I never hated anyone else in my entire life! I've never felt like this towards anyone. Always trying to see the good side even of those that cause me too much harm, every hatred I feel usually doesn't last an hour, every hatred I feel is always under control. So I don't know where this is coming from. 
Maybe it's because that was the first time someone did that to me, or I've given up too much, or that someone is special, or it was all too much to handle, or the wound is just so deep.

Whatever it is, I know there's no enough reason for me to react this way every time someone recalls the past, but for the first time, I can't control it.

Forgive me Lord if I am not strong enough to forgive, as I used to say I'll always be.

With this, I rest my case. Again.