Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

“Mama, you’re home!” my Seven years old child screamed as I walked through the door from my night shift duty. The sound of laughter and squeals of joy could be heard all the way down the driveway. Moments like this are the very reason I keep going forward. It is verification that I am a good mother.
The word mother is defined as female parent. Mother is also defined as a female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child; a woman who adopts or raises a child. A woman is made to give birth to a child, but the manner in which a woman loves that child unconditionally is what determines a “good” mother from a “bad” mother.

The child’s actions do not determine the amount of love given to that child.  They scream and shout, “I hate you” but a good mother is deaf to these words. A good mother is always there for their child no matter what happens in life or what decisions they make. They stand back and allow their child to make decisions. A mother’s biggest fear is that her child will die before her, but a good mother allows her child to go into the military or make life changing decisions even though they don’t always agree. A good mother is not determined by the physical process of giving birth, but by teaching, loving and nurturing the child.

A mother is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. When everyone else turns away, she is the one turning towards you, when you fall, she’s the one that helps you up and when your heart is filled with despair, she’s the one that gives you a glimpse of hope. The day a child is born, so is a mother. The woman was always there but it wasn’t until the second their little baby was born that a mother was born. A mother and her child have a special bond that only they can understand. You can fool most of your friends most of the time, but you can’t fool mom. She sees right through you and always knows what’s wrong. Once she gives you that special hug everything seems okay and even though you never want her to let go, the feeling lasts forever.
There’s a point it every kids life when sitting next to mom in public is the most embarrassing thing possible or kissing mom in front of your friends is pretty much social suicide, but that doesn’t take away from how much we truly love them. From the day you first learn to ride your bike and your first day of school to your high school graduation and the day you get married, every kid says six words that they don’t mean, “You can let go now mom”. Even though we say it, deep down we still want them to hold on. It’s all still a little bit scary and we’re not ready to do it on our own.

Although sometimes it may seem like your mother hates you, and all she ever does is yell at you, recently I discovered she only does this because she loves you. Mothers love their kids as much if not more than you love them and they only want the best for you. She has been through all these things before and she wants to save you from making the same mistakes. She is looking out for you because she hates to see you hurt.

One thing a lot of kids forget to do is tell their mothers how thankful they are for everything they do and how much they love them. On May 13th everyone in the world sets aside one day to do what we should do every single day, tell our moms that we love them and that that will never change. Even though sometimes we yell at our moms and say “you’re the worst mom in the world”, deep down we know it’s quite the opposite. That’s what Mother’s Day is for, to let your mom know that you never meant the harsh words and that you never will.

In conclusion, everyone has a best friend and everyone has the friends that they call their best friend forever, but the only girl in my life that I’m positive will be my best friend forever is my mom. She has been there from my first breath to my first broken heart and I know that no matter what I do she will always be there full of forgiveness and will provide the shoulder I can cry on. Not only is she my best friend but I am her best friend too. She was there for my first breath and I will be there for her last, and we will be together for everything in between, because a mother is the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

Today is Mother’s Day, A Mother's day greetings to all the mom's---your mom, our mom's and soon to be mother's...
Thank you Lord that you fill a Mother's heart with Love, that you instilled in her very being the need to protect her children, if at all possible. Thank you for giving the entire mother's the gift of nurturing, teaching and comforting towards their children.

For guiding them to be all that God has created them to be. Fill every mother with love, wisdom and endurance, with strength, patience and joy. Give them the ability to forgive and understand again and again. Bless the entire Mother's for them not just to fulfill their duties towards their children but to share their Motherly touch to those who are motherless.


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