Thursday, April 17, 2014

To my Best friend who is now a Stranger...

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leaves foot prints on our hearts.”
                What is a best friend? Almost everyone has one and almost everyone is one. There is something about a best friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone have their own definition of what their own best friend is like and the impact he or she has made in our lives. A best friend is a title held for a few and privileged. Not just anyone can be called your best friend. Being a best friend is more than someone that you’ve seen everyday and grown up with. A best friend can be someone whom you known since childhood but can also be that someone you’ve just met and similar to ‘love at first sight’, you just click. When you think about it, to pronounce someone in your life as being important than all of those other friends, somehow, as being on a different plane of relationship, that despite not being romantic, it is profoundly important, it’s incredible.

            Because this isn’t a romantic relationship, though, the obvious expectations and request for certain amount of effort or difference can’t easily be vocalized. And yet, working on this is such an essential part of being a best friend. You will have disagreements, you will like different things and you will fight. You are two distinct people with lives that are constantly molding you into different personalities, and you don’t have the glue that keeps relationship together. Being a best friend means being willing to learn and adapt, to understand that you cannot control this person or make them who you want them to be, that you love them precisely because they are their own person.

            Being a best friend is to be a therapist when we are still so very deeply in the process of figuring things out for ourselves…

Mr. Stranger,

            I know you’ll never read this and I don’t even know if you would care if you do. It’s more than 2 months since the last time I saw you and had a little chit chat with you on that afternoon coffee date. I started loving you as my best friend, for all the good things you’ve done, the awesome conversation we had, the laughter we shared, I love how you find my stupid small problems as big as I thought they were, and despite distance you still spare time to call me early morning just to check before I start the day and the way you appreciate the things that I’ve done for you.

            Yes, we used to be best friend. I remember we used to spend hours listening to music and talking about anything and everything: our hopes, fears and dreams. I came into a relationship broken and guarded but slowly you taught me to trust again.

            The small things I constantly did for you. I spend my days consoling you and simply being there for you, like a friend should. Even at the very last moment spent with you, I tried so hard to understand you, your thoughts and actions. But you did go beyond your limits, you reach beyond boundaries, you even became a total stranger to me.

            From that moment I started to hate you. I don’t know whether you hate me or not, but I hate you very much.  The way you behave that day, it hurts me a lot that I even see myself sobbing the whole night. I felt very guilty that I’ve given you the opportunity to do the things you did. With that unacceptable behavior of yours, you’ve just ended everything we’ve shared. You let go of your chance to prove to me that you were different from any other guy I knew, you blew everything away. I thought you were different, but then again I was wrong.

            From then on, I decided to keep distance, but I think we both know it was for the best. The one that can definitely be said is that when we cut ties, we leave no strands behind, but slice right through until we no longer remember how we find each other.

            I’ve learned things from you from the moment we stopped talking. I’ve realized that life is too short to chase things that won’t happen or try to fix things that are beyond broken. So all I can do is to wish you the best. Wishing you a great bright loving future and I wish you to find a friend as great as me, a much better partner.

            Maybe you’ll read this, and maybe you won’t. If you do, I just want you to know that even though we ended in terrible terms, although we will never speak to each other again, and although you are out of my life forever, I wish you the best.

            This will be my last cry for you.

                                                                                                            Your Ex- best friend

----there is nothing worse than choosing to let go and move on when you know that your best friend will never be more than just that, a best friend.


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