Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Start eachday right!

Good people gives me Happiness. Bad people gives me Experiences. Worst people gives me lessons and best people gives me memories.

we learn something through everyone that passes our lives. Some lessons are painful. Some lessons are painless and some are priceless. All of those lessons taught us a lot of things. Some empowers us, some motivates us, some leads us to a wrong path.. Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined.

So today, be Uplifted. Smile. Love. Laugh. Rejoice. Be insipred.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The misery of cheating...

I am wondering what will happen to an honest relationships. Have you ever been cheated or did you ever cheat? How painful is it when you found out that you’ve been cheated? What will you feel when you are the one who is cheating?

Is it media and society that is telling us that these actions are okey? We see in television show where boy dates two or even more, a girl at one time and in the end everything ends out okey and he’s with one of the girls. It may blow up in his face first and then work itself out but it almost always seems to work out in the end.

Most people list being faithful as one of their top needs in a relationship. People cheat either because of an external desire which they do not get internally or because he/she does not know what they want and cannot seem to choose.

Everyone has their own definition of cheating. For me cheating is as simple as staring at a girls rear with or without your girlfriend at your side. Intimacy is a major requirement in a relationship and male sex drive is higher compare to females. Most of the time if the woman does not ‘put out’ as much as a man might want, eventually he will find someone else to give him what he want. On the other side, females want to be loved, hear that they are beautiful, get enough attention that they need and get gifts and surprises that keep them off their feet. Most guys feel that it’s not Macho thing to do, so girls stray and find someone who can fulfill their fantasies.

Everyone has their perception of “THE ONE” but let’s face it, not most of us will find him/her. Most people get into relationships based on passion or attraction, including the rewards but when time and stress wears the excitement down, excitement is sought elsewhere. Often the cheater was never truly in love or never really intended to make love work in the first place, and pretty much had the expectation of being pleased.

I have been cheated on and I did my fair of cheating too. The feeling I felt cannot be explained. I cheated because I did not feel appreciated and I was being recognized elsewhere. To this day I have not regretted it one bit because he was cheating too. When you are not fully satisfied with your partner and if you feel that something is missing then cheating happens. Because if you are completely in love and happy within your relationship, then why would you jeopardize all that you have for a five-minute fling with a boy-next door?  

I’m not condoning cheating in a relationship nor denying that it’s wrong to cheat. Mostly some point in relationship, and they need to be informed that cheating has at least an ounce of redeeming value. Cheating is not always bad. Surprisingly, it can help to improve current relationship.

I’m not implying that every man should go out and be unfaithful, nor am I implying that all men cheat on every woman they date. All it means is that at some point, it has beneficial aspects. First, that you’ll realize your mistake and appreciate your lover a lot more after a horrible deed. Second, cheating can help you realize your misery within your current relationship, and will likely give you that necessary shove to move on and stop wasting both you and your lover’s time.

Monday, April 28, 2014


For the person who was once my friend,

I know I wasn't that strong enough to admit my fault. Sometimes I'm lazy enough to listen to your never ending explanations and just pretend I'm concentrating. But despite that, before I put myself to sleep I always think of everything we've been through, the challenges we both face, the communication we both shared and laugh at, the memories we've cherished. It's not easy to forget all that so I decided to keep it and just learn from it.

This is the last time I'll be telling you how much you mean to me... I enjoyed each and every moment spent with you, thank you for teaching me how to love again... You will always be in my thoughts and prayers... we may not see and talk to each other anymore for some reasons that wasn't clear to me at all, I want u to know I was never mad at you and never will... Hope you had the best of everything in life... Hope you find the right girl for you... xoxo..

Your ex-friend

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Canonization of Pope John Paul II

Are you a Roman Catholic? If you are, are you familiar with Pope John Paul II? For me, he was the most popular Pope because he is close to the hearts of many.
Who is Pope John Paul II?
Saint John Paul II (Latin: Ioannes Paulus II), sometimes called John Paul the Great, born Karol Józef Wojtyła  18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005), was Pope from 16 October 1978 to his death in 2005. He was the second longest-serving pope in history and, as a Pole, the first non-Italian since Pope Adrian VI, who died in 1523.

John Paul II was one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. He is recognized as helping to end Communist rule in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe. John Paul II significantly improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion. He upheld the Church's teachings against artificial contraception and the ordination of women, he supported the Church's Second Vatican Council and its reform, and he held firm orthodox Catholic stances. He is known for his implementation of several papal documents pertaining to the role of the Church in the modern world.

He was one of the most travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate. As part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1,340 people and canonized] 483 saints, more than the combined tally of his predecessors during the preceding five centuries. By the time of his death, he had named most of the College of Cardinals, consecrated or co-consecrated a large number of the world's bishops, and ordained many priests. A key goal of his papacy was to transform and reposition the Catholic Church. His wish was "to place his Church at the heart of a new religious alliance that would bring together Jews, Muslims and Christians in a great [religious] armada."

John Paul II's cause for canonization commenced in 2005 shortly after his death with the traditional five year waiting period waived. On 19 December 2009, John Paul II was proclaimed Venerable by his successor Pope Benedict XVI and was beatified on 1 May 2011 after the Congregation for the Causes of Saints attributed one miracle to him, the healing of a French nun from Parkinson's disease. A second miracle, attributed to the late pope, was approved on 2 July 2013 and confirmed by Pope Francis two days later. John Paul II was canonized on 27 April 2014, alongside Pope John XXIII. Like John XXIII, his feast day is not celebrated on the date of his death as is usual, but on the anniversary of his papal inauguration, 22 October 1978.

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines celebrates with the whole world as the Vatican declares popes John XXIII and John Paul II as saints on Sunday, April 27.
The twin canonization is seen by Vatican watchers as an attempt to breach a traditional left-right divide in the Church.
As the Vatican welcomes pilgrims from all over the world to witness the ceremony, relics and images are being shown in the Philippines for those who couldn't make it to Vatican.

The country has a lot of reasons to celebrate the canonization of the two popes because they established a connection with Filipinos.

Pope John XXIII

POPE JOHN XXIII. PHLPost will issue 5,000 copies of stamps bearing the image of Pope John XXIII

•           The Pontificio Collegio Filippino, which serves as residence of priests studying in Rome, was established in 1961 under his watch. He blessed both the cornerstones for the building in 1959, and the constructed edifice in 1961.
•           During the inauguration of the building, the pope said: "These buildings destined for the formation of your students of sacred sciences will be like channels by which the catholic life will be promoted among you and the bond by which the Philippines, a nation so very dear to us, will more intensely be linked with the supreme magisterium of the Church."
•           Antipolo Bishop Gabriel Reyes recalled saying "many rivers and plenty of rains will not extinguish my love for the Philippine Islands [and] for the Filipino people."
•           The pope installed the very first Filipino cardinal, Rufino Cardinal Santos, in 1953. It was Santos who proposed establishing the Pontificio Collegio Filippino, which the pope approved. Santos served as cardinal until his death in 1973.
•           Among the dioceses created in the country under his watch are the Dioceses of Imus and Malolos in 1961, and the Dioceses of Nueva Ecija and Tarlac in 1963.

•           In 1959, the pope sent a message to the Pax Romana Assembly, a gathering of Catholic intellectuals, which happened in Manila in 1959. In letter, which was written in Spanish, stated: "We, through this message, not only to give you our greetings and our warmest wishes for the success of this meeting and our living breath, but also to express the deep joy of knowing that your common meetings are held for the first time in Asia."



A crush, though defined as just a fickle liking of someone, is much more. It can be a full throttle passion for someone, an all around obsession. The definition of a crush cannot nearly be defined as a fantasy of dating a certain someone, but also can be defined in the finest detail. Details such as the fact that just a smile can light up your whole entire night or that because he loves the color red, you tend to wear red over any other color.

They say all the drama in your life starts in High-School. Everything would be your first time. But not for me. I was already aware of the matters of the heart even before I entered the High-School world. I was on fifth grade and was crying back then because my so-called friends betrayed me. It started out as a small crush, on the boy who wiped my tears away when I was down. Nobody noticed, except him. I admired him since then, and was contented by keeping it to myself. At first it wasn't that serious, and in time, it faded away. He wasn't exactly cute, he's not a very good person too. This is INFATUATION.

Infatuation is not looking at his face and nearly passing out, but just looking at something like the back of his head and feeling just the same. Admiration brings you through many mesmerizing fantasies, but not only that, through many real adventures. When you have a crush on someone, you make those fantasies as realistic as they can possibly get. If you are dreaming of holding his hand, a crush will bring you on the perilous quest to just touch that hand of his, for whatever reason may be tattooed into your head at the moment.

Too much admiration is something that can also make you miserable. But that must be why they call it a crush, because you go through all of this dreaming, hoping, wishing, praying, go through everything to be turned down in the end. "He never even noticed me; it was like I was never there! I've followed him around at lunch, my fantasy at the moment having been walking side by side with him through the cafeteria, while everyone watched us, and knew we were together. Obviously everyone watched, but that was because they were trying to figure out what a loser like me was doing following Mr. Popularity.

That's when I realized four things: First, Promises become lies when they're broken. The lie becomes the truth behind the promise. Second, Puppy/First Love never lasts, and it CAN'T wait. Only true love can, When you like somebody, you don't expect for anything in return. You're contented as you are, until you will forget it. And lastly, when you love, no matter how slim the chances are, you will wait for that someone to love you back. For the first time, or the second time. In vain, or in great hope. And you will never forget it. You will wait. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ex-girlfriend as part of his history

Every time he mentions about his Ex-girlfriend it gives me a headache. However, his constant chatter might actually be an attempt to get closer to me, not push me away. Maybe it’s his way in order to make me understand and know him better. He may think that by divulging about his history, gives me full scoop on where he’s been and how it made him who he is today. I just love to listen when he gives facts about his past, not a sense of lingering attachment that just won’t go away. Just putting my ego aside and reminding myself that these stories have nothing to do with me and our relationship and accept his stories as part of his history before me.