Saturday, June 14, 2014

Being Different

Black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group. The term has typically been given negative implications, implying waywardness. It derived from atypical and unwanted presence of other black individuals in flock of white sheep.

In most families, there is at least one creative, sensitive or spiritual person who simply doesn’t share the values and lifestyle decisions of the other family members. It is not about who’s right or wrong but rather a question of moving beyond comparisons.

If you happen to be the one in your family who’s different, please know that you are not alone. Many people also have themselves alienated or scorned by some of their relatives. It is more like you are trying to make sense of your place in your family and it became so hurtful. That feeling when every time that you’re around with the family you feel like you’re inside a box, that’s too small. It’s uncomfortable and it hurts right? No allowance for growth.

Another analogy is being inside the forest and not seeing the trees. They are too close. Look at the forest from away. It’s beautiful, lush, flourishing, green. Look at it close up…it’s a bunch of dry, old bark that you can’t really mark its growth standing light in front of you.


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