Monday, June 2, 2014

Second Chances

Sorry is an unoriginal and over worked word, but is an important part of forgiveness. People use the word out of habit just to get out of something. Forgiveness is only able to happen when one person apologizes for their actions using the word or something close to it. It may be true or it may not, only time will tell.

All people make mistakes, do things that are wrong by the outlook of society, and are left up to "second chances". This could either be a blessing or a curse. Blessing for the people who use their chances for the better, to advance from their loss, to make up for lost ground and regain a grip of life. Some will grow mentally and go on to help others who are headed down a dead end road. You never know what you have until its gone due to mistakes. From someone to convert their mind from the negative and turn it to positive is a blessing.


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